From: private1 []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:21 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: United States Government Attorneys deny that Internal Revenue Service is agency of United States Government.
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United States Government Attorneys deny that Internal Revenue Service is agency of United States Government. 

The following images are scanned copies of pleadings (certified by NARA) wherein a United States Attorney and a United States Department of Justice Trial Attorney, Tax Division, deny that Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States Government. 

See specifically page 2 of pleadings, item no. 4.

The allegation by Diversified Metal Products, Inc., Plaintiff, for item number 4 reads,  "Defendant Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an agency of the United States government which has presented to Plaintiff a lien against monies to which Defendant Steve Morgan, or persumably[sic] Defendant T-Bow Company Trust for him, may be entitled."