Talkshoe | Guest Speakers and Topics : Comments and Discussions
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Talkshoe | Guest Speakers and Topics

by Angela Stark on 07/22/10

Talkshoe Discussions

Comments (10)

1. Angela said on 7/22/10 - 04:48AM
Harold Beale said he would try to come on, the 2nd hour of my Talkshoe call tonight. Thursday.
2. Teal'C said on 7/22/10 - 02:50PM
Cool..Do you have any seats left in the front row?
3. Angela said on 7/22/10 - 03:00PM
All seats are in the front row
4. Angela said on 7/24/10 - 08:35PM
Sunday John Stuart's moot court, steaming live on go to John's page for the link. Also He will be on our regular Sunday night Talkshoe call.
5. Bo said on 8/24/10 - 02:02AM
A document with the title countyclerkfraud.doc was mentioned on the Sunday show with John Stuart. It would be great to read if that were able to be posted. Thank you.
6. Angela said on 8/27/10 - 12:23PM
It's on the John Stuart site. The link is at the top of this and every page on the My Private Audio web site
7. Bo said on 10/28/10 - 09:28PM
I finally made it through my first pass through the David Clarence talkshoe. People say what they will about the man but I think he's on to something with this. Thanks for him, John Stuart and all of your talkshoes.
8. Angela said on 10/29/10 - 01:23AM
Hi Bo, Thank you for that.
9. Jo said on 8/2/12 - 10:20AM
Angela, I have been working on a project for 3 years and have found something so unbelievable and in plain sight about the Constitutions. My research shows they have been encoded and I have the actual documents to prove it from both the National Archives (NARA) and the State Archives. The implications will solve the mystery of the "shadow gov't." and more. If you are interested I will share this information. I believe there is no relief until people know what has happened. Included in the documents are old verified newspaper clippings, State codes, court rules, Statutes at Large, Black's Law, word definitions and phrases, case law, and Harvard Law Review in support. It takes some time to understand and is somewhat complex. I'm willing to share what I've found freely. J.
10. Angela said on 8/2/12 - 01:35PM
email me and we can exchane numbers

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